Little Big Horn Battlefield Tour with Steve Adelson. 2025

aContact Steve to Book a Tour


JUNE 13-14, 2025 (full)

SEPTEMBER 5-6, 2025 (open for registration)

TOTAL ADMISSION PRICE: $600.00 – Deposit of $300.00 July 1st.

TOUR TANSPORTATION (included): 13-passenger van.

TOUR SIZE: Limited to 13 person maximum.

BASE CAMP: Sheridan, Wyoming

PREFERRED ACCOMMODATIONS (not included): Comfort Inn, 1500 East 5th Street (307-381-7524)

AIR TRAVEL (not included):  If flying, book arrival into Billings, MT – Logan Airport. Travel 125 miles south to Sheridan, WY via 1-90 east.

WHAT TO BRING: Sack lunch, Boots, Rain Jacket, Bug Spray, Camera and other relevant gear. Water will be provided.

Tour Day One

Approximately eight hours with a lunch break around noon.

7:00 AM – Introductory meeting at Comfort Inn with Steve Adelson.

7:15 AM Tour begins.

Travel by van up to an overlook at the divide. At this point, we are a mile below the Crow’s Nest where the location of the village was first seen, 13 miles away, on the early morning hours of June 25, 1876. Here, begins our discovery and analysis of Custer’s fateful decisions.

Following in the footsteps of the Seventh Cavalry, we descend Reno Creek, visiting significant sites, along the way.

We visit the site of the morass, the lone teepee, and Ford A, where Reno crossed the Little Bighorn River and rode into the deadly confrontation.

As we approach the end of day one of the tour, we examine Reno’s actions in the valley fight. We walk along his initial skirmish line and subsequent retreat into the timber. We tour the location of the massive encampment and discuss the initial warrior reaction to the bluecoat’s advance.

If it can be arranged, the day will conclude with an artifact presentation.

Tour Day Two

Approximately eight hours with a lunch break around noon.

7:00 AM – Leave Comfort Inn for the LBH Battlefield.

8:00 am. Arrive at the LBH battlefield and travel by van to the Reno/Benteen Hilltop. Here is where Reno’s shattered battalion gathered as they escaped the valley disaster. Benteen and Reno’s men, numbering around 360, clung to the barren hilltop.

Walk the interpretive trail viewing the path the mauled command took, to gain the high ground. We will discuss the general leadership transition from Major Reno to Captain Benteen and the subsequent controversy of these officer’s actions on the embattled hilltop.

Continue by van to Weir Point, where Captain Thomas Weir, without orders, attempted to ascertain Custer’s whereabouts. We will also discuss Weir’s retreat after Custer’s destruction.

Continuing north, Steve provides detailed accounts of events that occurred at Medicine Tail Coulee, Calhoun Hill, the Keogh sector, Deep Ravine, and Last Stand Hill. We will be looking at the terrain and hearing survivor accounts, and also learn about the artifact discoveries that will promote a deeper understanding of what likely happened on that torrid Sunday afternoon.

We conclude the tour with a summary of the immediate aftermath of the battle. The resulting events led to the total collapse of Lakota and Cheyenne resistance to reservation life.

Following the tour, we will have a debriefing session at the Trading Post across the highway from the battlefield entrance, where the world’s best Indian tacos are available.